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Golden Acrylic 夜光顏色 S.7

Golden Acrylic 夜光顏色 S.7

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Golden Phosphorescent Green is a water-based acrylic "glow in the dark" colour that can be applied to various surfaces. The unique pigment used in its formulation is characterised by its ability to absorb and store natural and artificial light. When the light source is removed (i.e.: when the lights are turned off or the painted object is taken into a dark area), a bright, greenish glow is emitted for up to 15 minutes. The glow steadily diminishes as the stored light energy is released.

Can be brush-applied in the same manner as other acrylic paints. However, there are certain guidelines the artist must follow to maximise the intensity and duration of the glow. The glow time is directly related to the thickness of the applied medium, as well as the intensity, quality and time of exposure to the light source. Natural and artificial light sources can be used to "charge" the paint. Light sources rich in Ultraviolet (UV) are most effective.

Mixing with acrylic paints will substantially diminish the glowing capability of the product. If colour is absolutely essential, the Fluorescent Paints diminish the glow the least. They must still be added very sparingly. Any paints applied over the top will also inhibit the glow. Even a transparent glaze will interrupt the charging capability.

Can be blended with any of the Golden Gloss Gels or Mediums. Experimenting with different ratios of gel and Phosphorescent Green will produce different appearances. Blending the medium with Golden Gels that are thick, such as Heavy Gel or High Solid Gel, will allow a much thicker, one-coat application.



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